Monday, October 6, 2008

Stupid Hating Things

You know what I hate? When things suddenly change. Atleast give me a two second warning! I mean, if someone is going to move away, they shouldn't tell you after they've moved that the plans you had won't work out for that night because they kinda moved and have to unpack.
What is with people?
People should just tell you whats what and whose who. Not tell you that your plans for the night are to go out with them two seconds before they get to your house to pick you up... Then they're all mad because "you're not ready" and they "told you what was going on". Yeah, you did. TWO SECONDS AGO.
And when people just suddenly decide they can't do something but NEVER tell you. Like honestly? Just tell me you can't come over after school to see what I wanted to show you. No big deal, we can reschedule.
Another thing I hate is when people keep rescheduling. Just tell me you don't want to! I mean its obvious to everyone that you don't want to do whatever it is you keep rescheduling. Thats why dentists office often have their appointments rescheduled. Nobody (except for the rare exceptions IE me) likes the dentist!
People should just say what they want and not hold back. Its not like I'm gunna die if you tell me you're moving to the north end, or that in two hours you're going to come pick me up to go watch movies and eat ice cream, or that you don't want to come see the dress you lied and said you would love to see. I can live through worse. So just lay it on me. Yeah I might get mad, but I'm mad either way then. Atleast this way I'll know how you feel.
Oh and P.S. It takes TWO SECONDS to pick up the phone.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Stupid General Things. *EDIT* Stupid School.

So it's been forever and a half since I've posted a complaint about something on here... So I have a few for you fine folks here today.
I'm in grade 12 now and the school has pretty much gone and changed everything on us again... I feel like a grade nine... but I have alot more power.
First change: the intercom/bell. This is now run through the phone system and the internet. Our new bell is a sound clip that you can never hear. There's no longer a warning beep when someone is about to interupt your class with a page of some sort. And it's just generally annoying. Everyone sounds like a robot. I think that it was a major waste of money on the school boards part. Our student parking lot is a death trap and a half, yet they don't have the funs to fix it so that people actually feel safe going into the parking lot. Now you go in the parking lot and you have to worry about losing your tire to a bottomless pot hole or two. Who ever said "LETS GET A NEW INTERCOM SYSTEM FOR ALL THE SCHOOLS!! BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY REALLY NEED!!" should be shot with a twelve gage shot gun... Just throwing that out there.
Second Change: Jag is officially in full swing. What's the point? I kind of understand making it a class that you can have one teacher to talk to when you have problems at school... But I'm kinda thinking thats like taking the guidance counclers job away... She has a family too you know! And the fact that its a 15 minute class you have to go to ever day or you get an absent put on your record is kind of stupid... What if you have a first and a second period spare? Noone in their right mind is going to come to school for 15 minutes so they can be there for the next hour for NO REASON.
Third Change: NO CELL PHONE RULE. Stupidest rule of your life. Yes I understand if they want to really crack down on the no cell phone in class rule, but honestly, no cell phones in the hall? Or on spares? Whats next? White and black stripped uniforms and student numbers we go by instead of names and a secure lock down between the hours of 8:25 and 3:05? I don't think that I killed anyone, or anything of that general crime area... So what's with the prison rules? You think kids are going to want to go to school when the only thing they can do is breath? Oh and that is the only thing you can do because oooof:
Fourth Change: Attitude log. Any student caught swearing, fighting, acting up, being rude, or just generally doing something that a teacher doesn't like, or really anything if a teacher doesn't like you, is written into an attitude log that is kept in your records. Too many bad marks on your log and the office deals with you. When you want your school as a reference for something... Say... Oh I dunno... University maybe? They can say no, you were a bad girl in grade 12! I don't think that it is really fair, I think that we should deal with each incident as it occurs... And swearing really isn't that bad of a deal... Atleast they're not having sex in the hall ways... that I would understand if you had a major issue with that. Thats just wrong... on sooooooo many levels.
Now beside the whole change in new rules an old rule, the no smoking on school property rule, has pretty much been sent out the window as nothing. People are smoking everywhere and no one cares at all! All the smokers should get a mark against there Attitude log. It's absolutely retarded. They inforce a new, overly stupid rule, and lose all the others.
Now aside from school getting an extra dose of dumb this year, life is pretty good. I'm still with my boyfriend, it's not snowing outside, and it's almost my birthday, which is like ten steps away from haloween. Yay. But I don't think that I have much to complain about right now... Maybe I should change this to Stupid School... Part II. Because I'm almost positive I have stupid school Part I already. But I'm out of here.

Oh and P.S. Pokoyoway if you read this... my cousins go to "your school" and one or both may be in a class of yours this year. Give them a hard time if you find them. Thanks.

P.P.S... I don't have a Part one... But I do now!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Stupid Day.

So It's been awhile.... This post is just a general update.
So life is good and this is what I have to say to Mr. P:
Just Kidding! My cousin's go there. You may know them... one of them is in a wheel chair and thinks he can rap. The other is cool. But yeah... just wanted to tell you that. And the kids are pretty cool but not as cool as me! haha!
Anyways... on with life... last semester sucked... failed two classes... Strangly enough they were the two Mr. P was in... Umm... This semester is MUCH beter! I'm actually DOING my homework! I know shocking! And I'm super busy all the time with the school, the job, the friends, the family, the boy, and just other general crazyness!
I'll try and put another update on here soon... I really don't have anything to rant about... except the fact that my parents never tell me anything. EVER! They left me home alone because my sister has some competition... I DON'T LIKE BEING HOME ALONE! It's scary! And I don't even have anyone to hang out with because they're either too lazy to come over OR they have work... IE: Robin(Lazy) and Kyle(Working). And on top of being home alone for the past i don't know... 3 HOURS!... I have to babysit... I don't wanna babysit... But whatever.. I get paid.
Now for the good stuff. I'm finally on Hard on Guitar Hero 3... and I've played 3Expert songs. I know, be proud! Haha. And I have my boyfriend still and things are good. There are some issues with a few "Friends" but the true friends are the ones that matter so I don't really care about the others. I haven't done anything stupid lately... like break stuff... so that's always a bonus. I'm getting a Raise soon at work... And I just realized how rambly this is getting! So I guess I'm done!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stupid Finals.

So I haven't posted anything in awhile and it's all because of finals week. I really don't think that it's that great. Yeah I like that all of the finals are spread out amongst the week and that we get the friday off but, I don't like the way the finals are composed. Mainly if they are comprehensive. I hate when a teacher gathers everything up from the whole semeseter, expects you to remember it, and then gives you a three hour test. How is this helping in anyway? Why don't they just give us a test on what we just learned since we've already taken tests on the other sections we learned earlier in the year. Yeah I know that idea is pretty stupid but, the least they can do is give you refresher quizes every once in awhile so that you don't forget it all by the time the final comes. The thing that I found was that I'd start at the beginning and try to get the stuff that I forgot out of the way on the review that we are giving and by the time I get to the stuff we just learned my brain is so full of everything else (or what i could remember of it) that I had to do! Then when you are done the revew everything from the beginning is gone again. You know why? BECAUSE MATH AND SCIENCE ARE BOTH EXTREMELY COMPLEX NUMBER CLASSES WITH WAY TOO MUCH TO REMEMBER! Roar... I'm done.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Stupid Winter.

So I haven't posted in awhile so i don't know what I complained about in the last one. I'll try to complain about most recently. Well the Christmas break is over and done with and All I got to say is... CHRISTMAS SUCKED! I didn't get anything I asked for. My mom asked me what I wanted and I told her that I wanted a psp, the Spiderman Trilogy set with the limited adition piggy bank, and a few different pairs of jeans. Well, I ended up buying my own psp, I got the three Spiderman dvd's but no piggy bank which was really the only reason I wanted them, and she got me two pairs of the same exact jeans that she thought were different because they had different stickers on. It kind of sucked... hard. I also asked if I could have a Xbox 360... I got a Wii. I asked for Guitar Hero... I got ddr... which is what I wanted three years ago. I didn't want it any more but whatever. I hate how everyone asks you what you want and then they just go and get you the randomness of things. The only thing that I wanted that I kind of got was the new Harry Potter DVD... but I really wanted the whole set rather then just the final movie... the set came with bonus features. They didn't even get me the two disk special Edition one. What else is going crappy right now? Well this semester is almost over and teachers are just cramming in the homework for some odd reason. Shouldn't we be going over what we learned to get ready for finals? I'm not going to be able to do the finals if we don't prep for them first! And my classes are really weird now... exspecially math... more so on the first day back but it's still weird. Why you may be wondering... well Pokoyoway's no longer there is this large ammount of space behind me in class... or there was on the first day. The space is now taking up but there's no one there typing away on a mac.... it's kind of weird. I think the main reason I feel this way is because I don't like change and that was a pretty big change from seeing Mr. Pokoyoway every day first thing in the morning to not seeing him at all. Oh and I'm still failing physics... yay. Anyways I'm babysitting right now so I have to get the one kid to go to bed. Thats all for now.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Stupid Week.

I wish it was tomorrow already! I wish I didn't have to wake up to go to school! BUT! Today was good. And you all know it if you seen me. I was smilling, and I didn't have candy for breakfast, I'm not really in to candy. I buy it but I share more then I eat. Anyways. I got my present from Kailey today and I bought Riley and Carlen there gift. I had so much fun today, we went to Wal Mart to buy the gifts. Shayne tripped me by accident but Carlen made me laugh like seconds later. So it even'd out. Anyways, time for a little bit of a rant. Have you ever been wanting something to come so bad that your week seems to be going so slow? What's with that? This week is slower then a snail and it is making me sad. Not too sad though. But still! I wish there was a logical reason for why the week feels like two weeks when you want something so badly. I want the Christmas break to be here so badly! I wish that I could just skip school tomorrow and start my break early. I should so do that! KIDDING! Or maybe I'm not, Maybe I'm just saying taht because one of the teachers at my school might read this, you never know. Until tomorrow. I may go to school.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stupid Christmas.

Okay, So not to be negative and everythin but I hate Christmas. Now don't take this the wrong way! Yeah the family time is allright, the time of school is awesome, and the food is amazing but really its just a big comitment to buy people presents. You buy them something because you feel they're a really good friend but then they feel like they have to get you something. And it also works the other way around. They get you something then you feel like you need to get them something. The thing that really sucks is that people just don't have the money for it. Like myself, I have no money, and yet I keep buying my friends presents. I guess it's because I love them all so much. They have been so good to me this year why not dig deep into my emty pockets and find some way to buy them a present? See the thing is, things keep getting more and more expensive, but the pay isn't rising at the same rate as the prices. So people have to spread their paycheck thinner and thinner the closer we get to christmas. I think the people that get the worse are new parents. Or new grandparents, well not even "new" exactly, but just ones with a new baby on the way. I know how tough it is this Christmas for my family, My Auntie just had her first kid. Well... it was last year but she just had her first birthday and Everyone is going to go crazy on buying gifts for her because she's a new kid and my Aunties a new mommy. I think out of everyone in my family it's worse for me on the whole buying the new baby things for christmas. I work in the kids clothing department at Superstore.... Everything's new and ubber cute! This christmas I literally have no money to spend yet I keep spending more. I think that's why I'm such a grinch about everything. If I had money I'd be more then happy to buy the presents and recieve the presents and do all those other christmas-y things. But I don't even want presents or anything this year and people keep buying them... oh well I'll live.